Friday, May 18, 2007

The Bocor Saga..... Closure at Last?

The two circus monkeys have finally apologized over the "bocor " remarks made in parliament last week against Fong Po Kuan MP, but this after being told to do so, and apparently not out of their personal conscience. This in my eyes shows no remorse on their part, and the UMNO bigwigs have taken no firm stand on this disgraceful issue and mostly downplaying it. The louts have of course said that the insult was uttered in the heat of the moment and done unintentionally, i accept people make mistakes from time to time and at times utterly stupid ones. But if its unintended as they claim it to be, isn't it all the more appropriate to apologize earlier? instead of saying theres nothing to apologize for.

This whole episode stank of hypocrisy on the part of BN and the government, where were their female MP's throughout this hoohah , except for Ng Yen Yen the others have been very quiet these past 10 days, I wonder,why?. And finally when there was finally an apology, they refused to personally apologize to Fong who bore the brunt of their insult. All in all the entire handling of this incident has been a disgrace from Prime Minister down.

If BN wants to improve its credibility among the electorate, the best thing to do is to drop these rogues from their candidate list come the next general elections which is apparently not too far away. Aside from these two, they should also remove all MP's who have a history of making racist statements and stop using thuggish SS style methods to silence opposition MP's and act as his enforcers in parliament. Theres nothing resembling the "cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang" Abdullah Ahmad Badawi so proudly proclaimed in his party's manifesto in the current state of affairs when it comes to the conduct and professionalism of his backbenchers. Probably its about time the Prime Minister walked his talk and stop being spineless and out of control for a change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to know what is light hearted comment or intellectual sarcastic comments one must be educated and cultured, this two clowns prove that we don't have both amongst BN members.

They are product of education which teaches nothing about respect to others and being a male born the 50s and 60s they are frightened of smart women, they cant answer her question with fact but attack her with comments which regrading women and an insult to malaysians who elected them at the first place.

The cause is we are so scared with shift of power we keep voting idiots into office.